Tuesday 17 November 2015

Labour Fears Unfounded

It was no secret among my friends and family that I was petrified of giving birth. Ever since my first close friend gave birth about ten years ago, I have heard nothing but horrific labour tales of emergency surgery, extremely long  labours and post labour infections. So much so that I prepared for my labour by writing a list of all my account details and passwords so my husband would be able to deal with our finances 'just in case.' Not very romantic I know, but I was that scared it seemed the only sensible thing to do.

Luckily, in my case, my fears were completely unfounded. Yes, it hurt a bit. Yes, I felt I had to sit on the toilet the whole time (a key indication that you're ready to push apparently) and I wanted it all to be over. But fortunately, it very quickly was. My hospital notes say my gorgeous baby boy was born in one hour and twenty minutes. I'd never imagined that could be the case, but it really was. I'd wanted a water birth, but when I was hooked up for a heart rate for a check before getting in the pool, the midwife calmly announced "Well, you're 10cm dilated, so there'll be no getting in the pool. When you're ready you can start pushing."

Me..."But I've only just come in here"

Her.."Would you like some gas and air?"

Me..."Go on then.."

Me...a little later..."this is good"

Her..."I can see the head, it's a full head of dark hair"

Me..."Oh, it's not going to be ginger then"

Her..."I have the head...stop pushing a second, get your breath then one final push"

Me..."Ok....deep breath....owowowwwwowwwwwwww"

Her..."Here you go" and baby gets lovingly placed on my chest.

Me (to my husband)..."I thought it was going to be harder than that"

Him..."were your professional exams harder?"

Me..."Yes, and cross country at school"

I was overwhelmed with peace and joy, my husband was just plain overwhelmed and couldn't talk on the phone as he made the calls and ended up passing each call to me as he sat there crying with happiness and trying to hold it together.

And that's it, truly. I immediately felt I could do it again, and as I sit here looking at my gorgeous little cherub, quietly snoring and smiling in his sleep beside me, I think I just might.

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