Wednesday 15 April 2015

Dreaming of a Goldfish...and armageddon

I've always had vivid dreams, but since becoming pregnant they are spectacular. Who needs TV when you can dream an original masterpiece each night?

One dream had me knackered in the morning...for I had spent all night trying to get a suicidal-goldfish to stay in a variety of water-filled containers, but it insisted on jumping out and lying on the floor, only for me to scoop it back up and put it in a new container. I was seriously shattered on waking. Mum thought this was hilarious and that it showed my mothering instincts are coming out already. Dad thought that I'm just feeling like a fish out of water. What do you think?

Last night I dreamt that we having a pic-nic when three balls of flame descended from the sky in the distance, to crash to the earth, with a boom, luckily not near us. For some reason we were then travelling across the bridge back to the UK from Wales (I haven't been to Wales for months), when the bridge was swinging dangerously in a hurricane and the car tyres left the road. I knew we were going to plunge into the water, so I made sure the car door was unlocked, but we managed to fly above the bridge until Dad could land it again. I think this dream was more down to watching a programme about the most-likely movie portrayed disasters that are forecast to end the world, but it was pretty shattering all the same.

It's anyone's guess what will be in my dreams tonight!

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