Friday 8 July 2016

Smile to warm the world

The world has never been a safe place. The problem is now we all know it. You can’t turn on the TV in the morning without being presented with a world of fear and hate. Shootings of black men. Retaliation shootings of police officers.

I have a beautiful baby boy and I want him to grow up in a world full of love and support. Why should colour matter? It doesn’t. We are all different, whatever colour we are. And conversely, as we are all different we are therefore all the same. Perfectly flawed and therefore perfectly human. Imperfectly perfect.

Hug a human. Hug each other. Or if you’re not into invading personal space, just a smile. A hello. Warm up your facial expressions and you warm up the world, just a little. But your smile can warm someone’s day, and in turn that warmth may entice them to warm up someone else’s day, and exponentially it will grow to create a more supportive nation, a more tolerant world.

Whoever you are, I love you. I love that one day you may meet my son and warm his day with your smile, even if just in passing. I hope he and you will be free to wander the globe and that you may meet in passing. Know that through him he carries my love and devotion, so when he smiles at you, he is passing a little of that to you. Please smile back at him – keep the warmth going, make his day and by doing so, you’ll make mine and hopefully yours.

With hope and affection, go forth and smile.